Research Project

  • Increasing the available cooling capacity by using a turbo chiller with the refrigerant water, which can be operated with variable temperature of the cooling supply and increased energy efficiency. The refrigerant water also reduces the direct greenhouse effect caused by common refrigerants.
  • Continued operation of existing direct evaporating split air conditioning units, with conversion of the cooling supply via a water circuit.
  • Optimised use of all cooling devices in a network.
  • The conversion to a cold water system opens up the possibility of free cooling via the heat rejection unit - without the use of active cooling.

System design for data centre cooling, Source: Jörg Bentz


Prof. Dr. Christian Schweigler Room: G 3.40

T +49 89 1265-1575
F +49 89 1265-1502


Philipp Nguyen Room: T 4.024

T +49 89 1265-4392
F +49 89 1265-4390
